The this time words of nomad’s way of life

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In 1542, after many times rob successful, the An answers to send emissary to arrive to greatly and together mean to Ming Dynasty government, hopes to open frontier trade and practices “with each other city”.Emissary says that they go down south to rob and nothing but want to get things like brocade tea-leaf,etc, but as for words that begin to rob, exactly hard get these valuableses, can rob the population and the animal, it happened that their enough population and animal there.And, because of their rob, the frontier people flee from home in succession, can the capital robbing is less and less.Have again, although the horde occupies advantage on the force,the horde starts out destrier, is also consume not thin, also want to fight with clear soldier, death and harm personnel.Reckon to calculate to go, how also not as NFL Jerseys with each other as both parties city to get worthwhile, so, they sincere hope and Ming Dynasty develop frontier trade.
The this time words of nomad’s way of life emissary sincerely vindicate.Didn’t be immediately accepted by the clear government unfortunately.The emissary in 1542 is an unfortunate person.He is should be a peaceful emissary, but be greatly and together cruised to fondle detention by the Ming Dynasty, and be sent to Peking to sentence to death.The contacts of both parties’ consequently broke off for five years.The in the interval took place to invade for many times again.After five years, a Ming Dynasty military officer is captured by the mongols.Mongols says to this captive and starts to talk about robbing, to although your harm is big, our receive benefit but very small.The problem lies in you to disallow city with each other, otherwise beat around why the need for and like this?The captive military officer volunteers and canvasses this matter for mongols.The mongols then released this military officer, and sent three emissaries.These three emissaries are again killed, because someone wants to take to call in achievement.Mongolia aspect but unyielding, again the parties goes abroad as ambassador, still hope to negotiate for peace that the city is with each other.
This time, the hope’s party in government court of mongols got a discussion.But, Ming Dynasty king and his ministers not only doesn’t intend to negotiate for peace, but also open a debate the dc hats plan of recovering the river set.The mongols is great anger, send troops to offend to sink ancient north the Great Wall, surrounded Peking, and in Hebei big four rob.Vibrated Ming Dynasty government and people top and bottom.Mongols after withdrawing, the imperial government negotiates for peace of the noise of shouting upsurge get up.In front of emperor of in the discussion, famous loyal minister after prosperous generous Chen Ci, determinedly the objection negotiates for peace city with each other, think to trade with enemy is show weak, is a Ru country, must revenge first to wipe out shame.The emperor of Jia Jing is moved after prosperous generous Chen Ci by, curl up sleeves to greatly do 1.But, famous disloyal minister and the great commander soldier enemy Luan but stood out, curled up sleeves first, however isn’t preparation and mongols to fight one battle, but curl up sleeves after grand scold some kind of:Boy even the Kous have never seen and say that getting is agile!

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